Hi, I’m Dr. Kate Albrecht.

I’m a Public Administration Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago in the Department of Public Policy, Management, and Analytics.

My primary focus as a nonprofit scholar is on networks and collaborative governance. My interest in understanding organizations as actors within larger institutional and community contexts has also led me to a secondary focus on research methods, particularly methodologies capable of dealing with longitudinal, multi-level, dynamic, and inter-dependent data structures.

My research agenda focuses on aspects of boundary management in nonprofit and public organizations. I pursue research questions for understanding collaborative governance while advancing methods to inform and expand organizational and network theories in order to advance this area of interest.

  • Publications

    In Press and Under Review

  • Research

    My research agenda focuses on advancing theories of how and why nonprofits and public agencies partner and collaborate.

    This area of inquiry considers dynamics present between nonprofits and partners from all sectors while examining network engagement over time.

  • Teaching

    My dedication to learning and teaching has three main components: 1) a focus on fostering critical thinking skills, 2) an emphasis on creative approaches to course and assessment design, and 3) a keen awareness of building rapport with students while also expecting ownership of knowledge development and a growth mindset.